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Eger wine region, Northern Hungary

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Eger wine region is situated North-East of Hungary, it boasts dozens of wineries, each of which operates a small cellar in the Valley of the Beautiful Women where you can try some local specialties. In and around the historic town of Eger the first wines gaining fame were the Bikaver/Bull's blood and Leanyka, as well as Harslevelu. The Egri Bikaver is the most famous red wine, made by mixing at least three types of wine.

About 50% of the region's produce is white wine, the most well-known are the Egri Leanyka and the Debroi Harslevelu, the Italian Riesling, the Tramini and the Chardonnay are also widely cultivated. 

We organise wine tasting and historic town tours with professional guide to and from Budapest.

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